
How much money should I take on my trip to England?

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I am going to England to visit my grandfather and I need to know about how much money to take. So I was wondering what factors should I add in to the cost and about how much money should I take?

I will be there for a month and I shall be coming from America.

The Bard~




  1. Hard question to answer really, bring as much as you can afford because everything is very expensive over here. I wouldnt bother buying anything while over here because everything is cheaper in the states.

  2. depends, im fron England myself. If you plan to chill then for a month you'd probably be best off with around £300 - £500 If your gona buy things whilst your here you'll need a little bit more : )

  3. I would say you should take $1,000 which is about £510 and things are expensive there and also wouldn't your grandfather help you out a little.

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