
How much money should I take when I go to Buenos Aires for New Years? Is 1500-2000 US enough or too much?

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How much money should I take when I go to Buenos Aires for New Years? Is 1500-2000 US enough or too much?




  1. Have you paid for your trip?  Does the money you bring include paying for accommodation?  What do you intend to do?  How long are you staying?  Answer these questions and I will provide some current figures on average expenditures from a research paper we have put together from surveying 500 customers at

    Kind regards

    Andrew Rae McCance

  2. if i were you i would take about 2000

    if u usually get carried and by alot of souvenirs their or other stuff i would take more money

  3. Haven't been there since '80s.  You will find great bargains on jewlery and precious stones.  DO NOT take the "Tourist Tours" that are offered, high prices.  Just be careful about buying in most shops, never on the street.

    Any obvious purchases may be taxed on return.

    Do not, DO NOT take that much cash.  Take traveler checks or use a credit card,(preferable).

    Eating was cheap when I was there.

    Have you made reservations for the shows and Hotels.  Nearly impossible to get in without them, ahead of time.  Hard to come by on short notice.  Many South Americans attend on holiday.    d**n, gorgeous gals, d**n, d**n.  Parades abound with fireworks.

    The city is shut down as far as work, for a week.  Don't plan on driving.  Back then I rented a taxi and driver, about $100.00 per day. Now, idk.

    Went to Petropolis and Teresopolis.  All day trip.  Fantastic, and returned through the mountains.  Undescribable.

    Those are twin cities named after the King Peter and Queen Teresa long ago.  Palaces can be toured.  Beautiful too.

    If you have time.

    Have a great trip.

  4. Hi, you shouldnt spend more than USD 130 per day.

    good luck

  5. That will be enough. Check this websites for more information:

  6. It depends on the amount of days you will spend there and what you want to do! Is your hotel already paid? Have you booked and/or paid your New Year's party? Any tour you would like to do?

    I recommend you pay as much as you can before going. Then you just have to worry about food, some souvenirs and "unexpected" things like another tour or show, etc. Don't take that amount of cash, use credit cards. Around New Year's you may not find open banks so dont rely much on travellers checks, credit cards are better.

    Food is relatively cheap in Arentina now. What I would do is take only one thousand and the rest in credit cards. It all depend on how many days you plan to stay!

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