
How much money should i ask for from an auto insurance claim in which i was a passenger and was injured?

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How much money should i ask for from an auto insurance claim in which i was a passenger and was injured?




  1. I thought it was related to the damage you sustain. For instance if you become disabled for life they should pay for your keeping throughout your life.

    But if you suffered cuts and bruises then once recovered you are as good as before so they'll just pay for bandages and time off work while you got better.

  2. Momma Bear is correct, your medical bills get paid.  You don't get to ask for a specific dollar amount unless you file a lawsuit for your injuries. Even then, you may not get the amount you're asking for.

  3. You don't ask for an amount, they just pay all of your medical bills. If that were the case, people would ask for 10 million dollars even if they only had a 200 dollar xray.

  4. why ask why, Try getting an online insurance quote It's free and generally hassle free.

    Good Luck!

  5. There are other specific things you can also ask to be covered, like mileage to and from doctor's appointments, and time missed from work, etc.

    I believe you are referring in this case to a pain & suffering claim.  Let their insurance company know that you are requesting this compensation as well.  You won't get to decide the amount; they will just make an offering and you can either accept it or go to court.  

    One other thing to keep in mind is that the higher the claim against the car owner's policy, the higher their premiums will go due to the accident.  So if they are a good friend, you will be hurting them if you push too hard on this. Yes, you are entitled for compensation, but there are consequences.

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