
How much money should i bring on a trip to ohio?

by Guest65935  |  earlier

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i'm going to kings island but the ticket is already paid for and the odds of me getting souvenirs are slim cause they are tacky.. i might have to eat there but hopefully not i'm planning on bringing my own snacks. and then the next day we might go to a museum and a baseball game which are being paid for. i'm going with my friends family and i don't know how much money i need to cover extra expenses and what not. estimates please?




  1. just a day trip?  you'll want to eat even if you take snacks and even though souvenirs may be tacky, there may be something you'll like.  take at least $20 and offer to help pay for gas or something.

  2. i would bring about 50 bucks. if its only two days. unless you plan on going to a restraunt. (a nice restraunt). if you do go to a restraunt, bring about 70.

  3. the average daily use is about 150.00 per day but seeing most things are paid for than I would plan on 75.00 per day. it is better to bring more than not enough.

  4. I'll say....500 or less....mostly all i see is free for where you're heading. lol!

    never been there....tell me when you get back

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