
How much money should i bring to France??

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Ok, so im going to France for 15 days and it is with a travel group and everything is paid for except lunches and bus/train tickets and of course souvenirs. So, i was wondering how much i should bring and how much a typical french lunch costs?




  1. it depends WHERE in France. If you go Paris, a typical lunch may cost you 15 EUROS, a good coffee (expresso) around 5 EUROS, a metro ticket 1.5 EURO... but the entry tickets at museums and other visitable places will cost you probably another (maybe) 100EUROS per person.  (Me and my wife have spent on Paris 2000EUROS 2people/7days all expenses on 2008 new year's eve, but it was fabulous).

    On contrary, if you plan to go another area, may be slightly cheaper (15-20% less)

  2. i'm living in france..and expenses here are high..

    typical lunch??? 10 -20 euros cheapest


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