
How much money should i bring with me?

by  |  earlier

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i leave in a week for italy and ill be there for 10 days. everything is paid for except lunch and souvineirs or personal expenses. ill be in rome, florence, and venice.




  1. it all depends whaat you are expecting to eat how much you eat and what you want to buy extra

    to be safe you should take a couple thousand dollars

  2. be very, very careful over there.  Alot of people are paid to go out and pocket pinch people there.  The crazy thig about it......They are so freakin fast you never even knew someone touched you.

  3. If you are on an organized tour I would say 65 dollars a day.

    An organized tour meaning transportation is taken care of.

    If you are not on an organized tour double it.

    You need to understand that the dollar is very weak. 1 euro equals about 2 US dollars. It sucks.


    Have a great time!


  4. Check the current exchange rate at

    Since your lodging and transportation is paid for,,, that is a plus.

    Meals can cost you about 20+ a day for 10 days=25 euro a day =250 for meals ( Will you be paying for all your meals; dinner too, or just lunches?) With dinner, I would bring another 100 euros= 350 euros.... This also could be less depending on the places you eat at and what you order.

    Using Atm cards can be helpful too. Just withdraw so much a day only that which you need. Find out from your bank what they charge for overseas withdraws.

    The exchange rate that you see online isn't what you'll get when you exchange your money; you will have to pay a commission fee , so shop around for exchange places. Keep track of what you're spending, you should be fine.

    Souvenirs can be expensive in some areas so shop around, but they are reasonably cheap in most areas depending on what you want to buy. The amount for these is totally up to you.

    Your personal expenses: it depends on what type of supplies you have to buy.

    Personally, I would bring for a 10 day period at least equivalent to 1000 euros= currently it is roughly  $1,600 ... However, the rates change daily so just be careful with your money.. Bring a money belt to carry all important documents in then store the belt inside your pants .. Only keep a small amount of cash in your pocket, the rest in the money belt. Be sure to have a button closure on your pocket.  

    Also, if you are going to carry a purse, be sure that it is slug across your body not hanging of your shoulder.. Keep it in front and close to your person. Back packs must be carried in front as well.

    Go into bathrooms to get what you need -go into the stall and act as if you are going to the bathroom to get any extra money or credit cards

    Have a great trip

  5. That depends on how much you're willing to spend. I personally would bring enough to cover lunches, plus an additional 2 or 3 hundred dollars for souvenirs and unexpected emergencies. I don't know how much things generally cost in italy, so I would ask someone who's been there and plan accordingly.

  6. i would recommend to bring about €800, just to be safe. i'm not sure how much you're willing to spend, but that should be enough for 10 days. have fun!

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