
How much money should i have for a month in Europe

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I want to go to Europe next summer, but I'm not sure how much money i should plan to save/bring. I'm planning on staying in hostels, and i want to find a cheap flight. Does anyone have any idea, or have any advice on the cheapest way to get around.




  1. Europe isnt cheap these days but here is an estimate of how much you should save

    Sleeping: Accommodations at hostels €15-€35 per day (prices tend to be at the higher end of this range in large cities like London and Paris, but considerably cheaper if you go to cities in Eastern Europe like Prague and Budapest). Also hostel prices are higher in the summer high season and lower in the off season.

    Eating: Food €10-€20 per day (this of course depends on how much, what, and where you eat). Personally, I bought most of my food at grocery stores and limited myself to two meals a day (breakfast and a late lunch and occasionally a snack or two). If you plan to do most of your eating in restaurants, then expect to pay a minimum of $25 per day (restaurants prices in Europe are outrageous!).

    Having Fun: Unless you plan to walk 20 miles a day, you'll probably be using local buses, subways, and/or renting bicycles to get to the attractions of the town you're visiting--once you get there you then have to fork over more money for entrance fees, etc. Cost depends on where you go and what you see, but you can expect to pay about €10-€30 per day more or less depending on how extravagant you are. If you plan to do a lot of drinking this could easily double.

    On the Road Expenses TOTALS: 10 days=€450-€675

  2. You looking for the price a ticket about $1500 plus  you have take a list  $2500 because  everything is so expensive over there because week dollar.

  3. depends on where you want to go, but i don't think you need more than 5000 euros, the cheapest way to get around would probably be by train, but it's not necessarily the fastest, but then again, depends where you want to go, you should definitely decide where you want to go first, because if you're planning to go to eastern europe for example, you definitely won't need that much money

  4. I have some ideas, but the amount of money totally depends on the country(ies) you want to visit. for instance - Great Britain is generally very expensive and London is insane in that respect. All former socialist countries on the other hand are still affordable and so are parts of Greece and parts of Finland.

    The cheapest way to get around is the train, buy a monthly ticket beforehand. it will cost quite some money but will be worth it if you plan on moving around a lot.

    Try to avoid the major cities, for instance instead of staying in Paris, stay in a city nearby from where you can make daytrips to Paris with your trainticket.

    And if you somehow could cook for yourself or live of Supermarket food - that would be a major moneysaver.

    So all in all, I think you should be ok with 100 Euros for food per week, 100 Euros for museums and stuff and around 200 Euros per week for lodgings (unless you plan on camping, that is probably cheaper).

    Makes a budget of around 1600 Euros for the essentials and then maybe another 400 for emergencies.

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