
How much money should two parakeets and a full set up cost?

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How much money should two parakeets and a full set up cost?




  1. Cheap birds $20 ea

    Hand raised birds $30-40 ea

    Med cage $30

    Wood bridge $7-10

    Mirror/bell toys $5 ea

    Cuddle bone $2-5

    Food $5

    Total $80-$120 depending on options

    Tip: 1 bird if you want it to like humans. 2 birds if you want it to play with other birds and not so much humans.

  2. Parakeets raised in stores are the cheapest types of parakeets to buy and the more challenging to raise and train. They cost about $20-$25 each.

    If you have the option, buy a young hand fed parakeet. These types of parakeets, which are more expensive at $49 in our local bird store, are best to buy because they are used to and trusting of humans.

    When buying a cage for your bird parakeet, anticipate spending $80-$100 unless you can find one on eBay or at a cheaper price or are gifted enough to make one yourself. The cage must be spacious with room for additional perches, toys, perhaps a tiny birdbath, a place for its cuttlebone, etc.

    check this site out:

    Below is a list of foods that are healthy for parakeets but categorized according to the vitamin benefit. Broccoli, asparagus and spinach are the vegetables that contain the most amount of required vitamins:

    Vitamin A            Alfalfa, Broccoli, Carrots, Egg Yolks, Spinach, Zucchini

    Vitamin B            Asparagus, Broccoli, Eggs, Nuts

    Vitamin C            Asparagus, Broccoli, Potatoes, Zucchini

    Vitamin D            Egg Yolk and Sunlight

    Vitamin E            Alfalfa, Egg Yolk, Spinach

    Vitamin K            Alfalfa, Spinach

    Calcium              Broccoli, Dandelion, Kale, Mineral Block

    Protein               Beans, Chicken, Corn, Fish, Turkey

    You know how much those foods basically cost and cage accessories shouldn't be to expensive.

    Good luck. Your welcome.

    -Tyler Petersen

  3. it depends on a few things

    One where you plan on getting the birds

    I would advise you to either get them from a rescue. or from a local breeder Never ship.

    Do not buy from a pet shop they will not be at all friendly.

    A breeder depending on where you are located fro a budgie can range from 10.00 to 30.00 a bird.

    Cage should be a good sized and Never ever get a round or funny shaped cage.

    square or rectangle one that is Longer rather than straight up and down

    birds do not fly like helicopters they do not go straight up so get something like this the single one. would be nice for a pair of budgies.

    this would be a perfect set up

    even the small cage next to large one would be a nice  cage for two

    toys you do not want to over do it but get them a couple swings. They may share but they may want their own so get three and get them so they will be big enough for both birds if they choose it

    Make sure to have varied perches

    You want them different sizes around so to exercise the birds feet and legs.

    Do NOT get a lot of those concrete kind one of them is fine but honestly if you have different sized ones they will not need those

    A supply of millet good quality seed a good quality pellet crumble.

    Also they should get spinach, broccoli, dandelion, leaves, collard greens, etc all types of veggies and fruits you need to grate very small and fine for them the leaves you can use a wood clothes pin and hook to the bars as leaves let them stay a little wet they love playing with them

    put them around the cage never have all food in one spot make it fun Birds in the wild roam and find food that is what they do so that is how to keep yours happy and healthy.

    Some rings and bell toys.

      some easily shredded things.

    i can gather you a list with pictures if you like.

    Also you can make your own Birdsnways has a great site and they have oodles of great articles

    Also a great site for info

    One thing do NOT put litter in the cage bottom and do Not give grit

    These can both lead to a bird having a impacted crop and death

    line paper with newspaper black wand white kind or paper towels plain kind You can also go to local newspaper office and they will sell or possibly give you left over paper from the rolls which will last a month or so for one.

    Feel free to send me a email I would be happy to help you find a breeder in your area or a rescue which ever you want.

    also a great bird forum is

    All total plan o have at least 150.00 to 200.00 that includes everything food toys cage birds etc

  4. There usually between 20-30 dollars a piece. I got mine for 20, but that was 4 years ago. and depending on how big of cage you get    30 dollars and up

  5., for my two costs about $50 for a cage, big bag of food and a few toys.....i get my stuff from petsmart!

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