
How much money should you be earning to live in downtown toronto?

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i would want to live in an apartment have I plan to spend money on going to a gym. As well as the other basic stuff.




  1. If you plan on on penny pinching(taking public transit, shopping at no frills, living in a bachelor, etc). Im guessing 1100/1200 a month would be the absolute minumum. I know people who live like this. It really all depends on the kind of lifestyle you want to live plus this is downtown we're talking about, its not easy finding an affordable apartment. It can be done though.

  2. As a guess only, at least  $75,000.00 per year.

  3. Think carefully though. What ever that number is, if all the people that made less than that moved out, The others that make more would be in deep trouble. There wouldn't be enough labourers and service people. What would we do?

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