
How much money should you bring on vacation at the beach?

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I'll be staying with my husband and baby for three days, two nights. The hotel is prepaid (I'm not sure if they'll charge us tax there). We will be eating lunch on the boardwalk most days. My husband wants to purchase a boogie board there. We're driving about 170 miles. I'm figuring about $50 for gas roundtrip.

Any suggestions? I don't want to bring too much or too little.




  1. With the current gas situation, i think you should bump up the amount for gas to $100 just to be on the safe side.  I would take at least another $100 at least for eating and any other small stuff.  If you plan on buying anything else, than take a little more.

  2. about a million

  3. I would not bring cash I would bring the debt card that way you can get what you want and if it does get stolen you can report it and not lose all your money. Most places take debt cards as long as they are mastercard/ visa or so on. We went to P. Rico and only took money out when we needed it and kept it on the card. when we did take some out we took about 40 so if it was stolen it would not hurt us. As for how much that can only be decided on you. We used tax returns and saved many weeks pay before we went. We spent some on gifts and items for ourselfs, we spent the most going out to an expensive places to eat and we bought alot of stuff to go camping which we left at our friends so others can use and so can we when we go back. Best thing is check out whats at the beach for you to go to before you get there so you can see what kindof prices your looking at. IF THEY HAVE A DEL SOL STORE check it out they are very fun. Their stuff changes color in the sun, its a lil pricey but its so nice to come home with a t shirt that catches everyones eyes and says the name of the place you went to... Their website if I remember right is GL and have fun

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