
How much money the doctor wins by each medication prescribed?

by  |  earlier

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(excuse, my english is bad)




  1. Your English may be bad, but your information is worse.  Physicians do NOT get paid for prescribing certain drugs.

    Where are you? I can speak about Medicine in the US, where such behavior is considered unethical. Maybe other countries have different customs. Be specific.

  2. Doctors do not get money for writing prescriptions. Half the time we don't even get paid for treating patients (thank you medicare). I really don't understand why people think that.

  3. a doctor is not in it for the money, if he is find yourself a real doctor. and if you think prescription drugs are all just a means of making money, guess what, all those "alternative medications" are sold at a price, they aren't being given away.

  4. The role of a GP is now more of a Councelor than Doctor. The least thing outside of this scope and they are making a Hospital appointment for the patient.But then people recover instantly when given a Prescription for even Aspirin.It is imaginable that they do get a small payment for many of the heavier drugs they prescribe.It is a lucrative post in the Uk and they serve us well

  5. Doctors do not get any money for any of the medications prescribed.  They aren't even allowed to get gifts from the drig companies any longer.

  6. Where the h**l does this idea come from? The very suggestion shows a lack of common sense. If such a situation arose, it would severely compromise patient doctor relationships, and on that basis alone, it could never happen. Who'd trust a doctor who had an financial incentive to prescribe drugs? Utterly ridiculous question.

  7. Some still do get "perks" from drug reps in the form of professional "gifts" (I saw an officer remodel).  Now the newest scam (which will be over shortly as soon as congress decides to re-overturn the medicare PT limit bill) is to refer people for PT and the PT clinic will give you money.  I have also seen DME companies give kickbacks to private practices for DME referrals.  This isn't common practice and illegal.  However, to deny that it happens is sticking your head in the sand.  It is also a very unethical practice to do so.  Bright spot is that if you know someone is defrauding medicare you can receive up to 30% under whistle blowers.

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