
How much money to give at bridal shower? i am a bridesmaid?

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i know she prefers money, but how much? i gave her 50 for the engagment. and plan on giving her 150 for wedding. i dont have a lot of money, but do you think she'll be offended since i am a bridesmaid, thus a close friend?




  1. Id do another $50

  2. If she is a close friend then she should understand your financial situation and having you be a part of her special day should be more important than the gift. I think another $50 for the bridal shower would be acceptable....and I'm sure she will understand that you would give more if you had it.

  3. Money is never appropriate for a shower. If you can't afford something from her registry then give something else.

  4. OMG.  How many presents do you have to buy the bride?  Plus, the dress you have to buy special, that you will never wear again.  Plus the parties you have to give.  Enough is enough.  I think you gave an engagement present, and you give a wedding present.  If she is offended, c'est le vie.  Such is life.  You are not money bags.

  5. To answer your question, give what you want to and what you can afford.

    As a side note, if your friend is offended by how much money you do or don't give then she isn't a very good friend. Would she really place a dollar figure on your relationship? I loaned my dearest friend $500 and was promised that she would pay me back in two months- that was two years ago. Am I disappointed that she hasn't made it a priority? Yes. Will I lose this long term, very good friend over it? No. Her friendship is worth more to me than the $500.

  6. I think you are doing enough by accepting to be her bridesmaid, buying the dress and participating in her wedding. $150.00 sounds like plenty to me!

  7. It's always better to get an actual gift for the bridal shower than to give cash. Just buy her something that you can afford, in the $25-50 range. I think fun & colorful party dishes make a great gift, like a chip and dip bowl or a serving platter, or you could get something off her registry. Remember, it's the thought that counts. If buying a shower gift will throw your budget out of whack, just give $100 instead of $150 for the wedding. That's more than enough!

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