
How much money to you give to beggars each month, on average?

by Guest63200  |  earlier

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How much money to you give to beggars each month, on average?




  1. none

  2. none.

  3. it's a negative number, sometimes taking food which would otherwise be donated to homeless or needy.

  4. there is no beggars in united states. look around you, most often they are just lazy.

  5. 0 dollars for me.

    But my sister probably, on average, gives bums a couple to a few dollars every month. She's generous like that.

  6. Seeins how they make more than you beggin and I don't feel guilty that theese people try to look like just so you'll give em dough they don't get zip from me I just point at the ocean and tellem to go wash the dirt off first then maybe ...NEVER!

  7. None. I offer them food. That way I know they cant't spend it on cigarettes, alcohol or crack.

  8. NONE -- unless they display a sign that he wants to buy a beer...  I work hard for my money and I will not give away to a person who can work for their income...  Just lazy...

    The answer is NONE...

  9. no beggars here...but on occasions where i stayed in big cities for a seemed like 2 dollars (and a cigarette) a day...till i got sick of it and  started ignoring them (in which case they got rude or irate...which certainly was not going to get them a dollar!), unless they were playing music, then they worked for it...but that's not begging, its pan-handling.  and this one homeless guy gave us a signed copy of a poem he was actually pretty good, so he got his 2 dollars and a thank you!   so if we average that out....lots of 0's in there...a dollar a month, rounded up!

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