
How much money will 2 people need for 6 months Travelling within South America, New Zealand, OZ, Asia?

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How much money will 2 people need to travel to the following countries:

South America - Spending 2 Months

Will be travelling all over. Treks etc, tours

New Zealand - Spending 1 Month

Will Be doing sky dives, bungees.

OZ - Spending 2 months

Will be swimming with dolphins, sharks, all sorts

Asia - spending 1 month

will be going bangkok,thiland,etc

I have already got my round the world flight ticket, i just need spending money and living cost amount for all the above countries visiting for 6 months




  1. A $1000.00 per week each or $26,000 each or you'll be traveling like a bum.

  2. I always aim for a minimum of $2000 a month

  3. I would want to have saved up around $30,000 to be able to use.  Are you 'backpacking'?  That will make it a bit cheaper and allow you more money to spend for all your activities.

    Haven't been to South America so I can't help you there...

    Sky dives and bungees in NZ can cost upwards of $100 and I highly recommend the jet boats and helicopter rides!  (Went there a few months ago).

    So I am guessing Cairns is a major stop for Australia?  You will need a few hundred for the tours etc.

    Going to Bangkok and Thailand aren't so expensive... Japan is the most expensive from what I hear.

    A good rule of thumb is $75-$100 (AUD) per person per week for the food alone.  It could be more if you want to eat at fancy restaurants or anything.  Remember that you will need money for washing clothes, gifts and/or souveniers, etc.  If you look on the net they will usually have a lot of the costs for certain activities so you can make a rough plan of how much everything that you want to do it going to cost... and remember that there may always be other things that you want to do once you get to the places, so always have some money spare.

  4. Impossible to answer, get Lonely Planet guides for each country to find out the cost of everything in each country you are going to & work it out at today's exchange rates re your countries currency conversion.  Or some info on each country re costs is on the lonely planet website.

    Geez some people are lazy.  And stupid.  Like you expect us to just run off an answer?  It would  take hours of research to figure all that out & we don't have any travel guides in front of us.  It also depends WHERE in South America & Asia.  Like Japan is super expensive, Vietnam is super cheap.  Duh.

  5. Are you a teacher? what kind of dumbass question is this? your wasting computer space with this stupid question.

  6. S**TLOADS good luck

  7. how can anyone answer this?

    depends where in each country you want to go,how you want to travel,what kind of accommodation you want,what food you want to eat,what tours you take, and so on

    dont forget to get Visa's for the countries your going to...............also you can not pick up casual jobs along the way without a work permit

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