
How much money will i need for a vacation to florida?

by  |  earlier

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i have a plane ticket and a condo already so basically i only need money for spending and food.




  1. Only you know your spending habits and your eating tastes.  How can a complete stranger give you a meaningful answer?  

  2. I live here.....bring a gold boullion with you.

  3. this is a kind of very personal question.

    How much can you afford per day?

    Depending where you go to eat, from Big Macs to fancy food, you'll spend at least $4-8.

    Travel by public transportation? Car Rental? Free ride?

    Entertainment like outdoors adventures, night clubs, etc you can pitch in at least $30-50 to go out.

    So this is a matter of doing a research on what your preferences are.

    So i suggest a site that will give you a pretty good idea on what you can expect.

    Simple Florida Travel Budget -

    Details How to Prepare For Spending $$ on Your Florida Trip:

    So Many Things to do in Florida...

    Including Florida Attractions, Day Trips, Fishing Florida Beaches,

    Walt Disney World Florida, & More:

    Have fun, good luck finding what you want.

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