
How much money would I need to spend?

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Only for hay/feed for one horse in one month?




  1. It usually costs about $100 a month just to feed it a month. But depending on the rising grain&hay prices right now, it could go up more.

  2. $50 hay

    $50-$75 feed

  3. Da uma cachaça pro cavalo dormir quentinhu!!

    20 conto vc pega!!


  4. It depends on what kind of hay you use and what kind of feed you buy. It also depends on your horse and how much your horse is "worked". If your horse isn't ridden alot and stands around eating all day it won't need as much. Don't plan on getting off cheap. No matter what, horses are expensive. Especially with hay and feed prices going up, at least where I live they have.

  5. You figure that it runs you about 5 bales a month or so for an average easy keeping quarter type horse.  That's if you're feeding straight alfafa hay at about 125 LBS + or - a bale and a bale costing $17.95 plus tax for horses.  Then there's the bran and grain you're going to be feeding along side of it.  Bran (Red flakey Wheat Bran) runs about $15.00 for a 50 LB sack you'll feed 1/2 of a 3LB coffee can of it mixed with hot water twice a week, Grain can run you between $15.00-$20.00 for 50 LB sack and you're going to be feeding between 1.5 to 3 LBS a day.

    $96.48 Hay

    $16.13 Grain

    $5.38 Bran

    $117.98 Total

  6. ok it all depends on how much u plan on feeding this animal..? and are you gonna feed it grass hay or alfalfa? i spend like 100

  7. In total, you should end up spending between $90-$150 per month, depending on the food, hay and your horses dietary needs.  

  8. It depends where you live.

    I spend on an average $45.00 for hay and $60.00 for grain

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