
How much money would i need per week to go backpacking in Australia or New Zealand?

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For living:



Transport etc.

+ optional activites such as bungee jumping and surfing etc.




  1. Its hard to give an exact answer. It obviously depends whether you'll be doing things everyday or taking in the sights of the cities which won't cost a penny. I've been all around oz and new zealand but spent way too much on activities and excursions etc. I think the best thing to do is to over budget yourself because when you get there you'll see that there's just so many things to do and you'll want to do everything that you possibly can while you're there. Accommodation can be fairly cheap as can food. If you're happy on buses or trains to get around then money wise you shouldnt have to spend too much. But its the other things that can cost.. I'd say possibly 150-200 pound a week.. If you can work over there then do that for the extra money.... Have a great time.. I did :)

  2. Well i went for 7 weeks and spent just over £1000 and i still management to do a lot. I'd say if you willing to sleep in YHAs and things when £100-£150 will last you with a few speical things costing a bit more.

  3. So much depends on what you want to do.  

    I was  in Australia  this year, and backpackers cost on average $20 -$23 a night.  My food (cooked own meals, brought sandwiches with me for lunch) about $10 a day, but you might make more expensive choices than me.  I found veggies and fruit  reasonably priced, but meat was expensive.  Chicken was dear but eggs were cheap.

    In Fremantle, Perth, Adelaide and Melbourne there were free buses or trams in the centre of town.  Great for getting about.  Only a short walk to anywhere central.   I took a few other bus and train journeys and prices were much lower than UK.  Most museums and art galleries and many other things to see were free.

    The expensive bits were the organised tours, complete with bungee jumping, paragliding, snorkelling etc.   Each day trip cost $90 - $130.

    Budget for $500 a week.  You don't have to spend it all, but it gives you the freedom to do some of the tourist things, and not be penny-pinching all the time.  

    I found  mobile phone and text rather  umm  ... more expensive than home, but if you look carefully, you will find places that offer free internet.  Libraries are a good place to look, though they weren't always free.

    Enjoy your trip.  I did, and will go again.

  4. £200 per week.

  5. I budgeted for about $40 per day ($300 per week) but had a credit card as back up for the bigger purchases.

    Most hostels offer cheap dinners and beer but you can also join a few other backpackers and cook a large pan of pasta in the kitchens if things get too tight.

    Enjoy your trip!

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