
How much money would it be to get a mole removed...?

by  |  earlier

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Cause i have one right to the left under my belly button ;) But it's so annoying.I asked my Ma and she said that if it's fully attached to your skin then they won't remove or it'll hurt-(something like that) but i think that's a lie cause aren't all moles attached to your skin?!? Help please!!! ---10 points best answer:)




  1. it can be removed.  Go find a good dermatologist and find out.  All your moles should also be checked each year..../

  2. depending on the size . its mostly 30-600 dolllars.

  3. i had this huge mole under my right arm. it rubbed and hurt all the time.

    i went to the dr. he numbed it. yes that did hurt. but for a short second. they removed it while i watched. i thought at the time it was pretty cool.

    if your parents have insurance, your mom says,"it's changed in color" insurance should cover it. they may have a co-pay to pay.

    she could call the insurance company to fdermatologistsure.

    then find a dematoligist.

    good luck. your mom never wants you to feel pain of any sort. don't be to tough. she loves you.


  4. LOVE YOUR MOLE!!! moles can be considered s**y if you flaunt it right.

    moles are cool! i have one in the palm of my hand

  5. LOL PAIGE!!!!



  6. Ok, I had a small mole removed last January so I did a lot of prior research.  If it's a flat mole, it can be removed via a laser.  If it's bigger or it's raised, then it's best to have it removed by excision.  Which means they cut it out and stitch it back up to put it crudely.  I had mine remove by excision because it was raised and therefore deeper.  In size it was about the diameter of a pencil.  As far as the pain, it hurts when they inject the novocaine into the site of the surgery.  Then it goes numb and you can't feel a thing as they remove it and stitch it.  I had stitches in for a week and then let it continue to heal.  It's been about 7 months now and it's healed up good and there's just a slight scar that's still in the process of healing; since most scars aren't fully developed and faded for about a year.  It wasn't covered by insurance since it wasn't cancerous so it cost about $500.  However, I had it done by a cosmetic surgeon to insure that it would end up looking good.  Having a dermatologist remove it would have been cheaper at around $250-$300.

    If you have any more questions you can email me through Yahoo! Answers by going to my profile.

  7. They will do it right in the doctors office usually, if you don't have insurance may be $65-$300 could be more or less.  There might be a scar afterwards. A dermatologist usually does this.   A cosmetic surgeon might me your best bet if you are worried about the scar afterwards.

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