
How much money would it take for you to bareknuckle box Mike Tyson in 1988?

by  |  earlier

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No crappy answers, like "enough to cover funeral costs/medical bills", or anything like that. Assume medical bills are covered as a courtesy.

I also don't want to hear that you could beat him. I doubt there are many average joes who could go toe with a washed up Tyson, and I'm going to label it between silly and impossible that anyone posting on yahoo answers could beat him bareknuckled in 1988.

Suppose instead of a regular ring, it would take place on a 2/3 sized ring. Just so you can't say you could run the entire fight.

Anyway, you commit to last 2 rounds, or you get absolutley nothing. For every round after two you last, you get a million dollars. Each round is 3 minutes. How much would be worth it to take the gamble?

I'd try like h**l to last six minutes with Tyson for a base price of 8 million.




  1. 5cents i would knock him out crazy in ohio

  2. I wouldn't do it at all.  There is no a person with no boxing experience (much less professional boxing experience) could last 60 seconds much less 6 mins.   If you removed the time requirement, I'd fight him for $10K (remember this is 1988 dollars) and hope I got knocked out with the first punch.  Good chance of it.

  3. Nobody ( even pros ) would fight a 1988 bareknuckle Mike for 2 rounds for nothing.

  4. I'd try like h**l to last six minutes with Tyson for a base price of 8 million

  5. theres not enough in the world

  6. most people can say what they will but if that truly happened 90% of the world wouldve ran the h**l out of the ring or risk dying from his power. this man couldve killed with the gloves on let alone bare knuckle.

  7. It would not take a lot of money for me to step into a bareknuckle fight with Tyson.  I would try like h**l to stay away from him and try to clinch with him to keep him from landing.  After two rounds, if I lasted, I would go home with a few thousand dollars.  A little sore maybe, but a few thousand richer.

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