
How much money would it take?

by  |  earlier

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for you to cuddle with one of these ?




  1. To paraphrase Michelle a bit, I would intend upon clutching that to my breast as much as I would this....

    lol in other words, unless I was living in a box underneath a bridge in the middle of the roughest, dirtiest part of town, I would not under any circumstances clutch that nor any other insect/animal that I place in it's category(including posted monster above) to my chest.

  2. Are they poisonous? If not then $100 so I could buy a new wah pedal. If so then 1 million dollars and a vial of antidote.

  3. Women would do anything for some camera time, about $500 bucks and a cheeseburger.   -- It's been proven countless times.

  4. If I was a young soldier hanging out with other soldiers I would likely do it for case of beer.

  5. i'll do it for a minimum of 1 million dollars if you give me a completely spider-proof suit. And what do you mean by cuddle...?

  6. And just when you think you've seen it all, along come camel spiders.

    And nightmares about them.

  7. ill take it for free lol

  8. There would not be enough money in the world for me to cuddle with something like that,who would wont to,would be crazy. For this is for sure something that would never have a loving or caring feel towards a person,for it would see a person as a treat and even food to it,you would just as well cuddle up to a shark..

    This looks like an alien from outer space, and make people have night mares of large insect attacking and biting you..

    Look like a tarriest from h**l...

  9. lol can I take it home and keep it as a pet???

  10. I'm not looking at that, but if it's a huge spider, then you couldn't get me to do it for any amount of money.... I'm terrified of spiders and spider webs!

  11. OUCH!!! IT BITES!!! Did you see the picture of the soldier who got bitten?

    Yikes! I'm not cuddling that for anything.

  12. id do it for free.. =D

  13. I guess my base pay plus incentives since them fockers run rampid out here...and just because I am in the Military, that doesn't mean I make much...anyone who has been in our closely associated will tell you, we don't make hardly enough.

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