
How much money would we need a week pp?

by Guest58495  |  earlier

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I will be traveling with my boyfriend to Mexico City in May for about 10 to 14 days we want to experience ALL the important must see places like Museums (there's 5 i want to go to), art shows, Soccer game at the Estadio Azteca, Parks, Cathedrals, food, night life dancing...the whole 9 yards. Question is: To have a money stress free time,how much money would we need a week pp? Has anyone expirienced this vacation in Mexico city? If so what advice do you give for a smooth day-by-day event planning?




  1. Let's assume your air fare and hotel expenses are paid.

    For the museums around the city and TEMPLO MAYOR located at the zocalo in (Downtown Mexico city) some are free and others no more than $20 US PP. For the Azteca soccer game buy good seats and those are around $35 US each.

    For the Chapultepec Park no more than $ 40 PP. The rest like the Cathedral, Zoo and parks are free entrance.

    Night life and also gourmet restaurants VERY EXPENSIVE. Be prepare to expend for a  2 persons decent dinner around $80 - $100. USD

    Fast food will be really affordable. Tacos and Tortas are a great option all around the city (Choose a clean food place)

    For a morning breakfast Always Sanborn's or Vips are really clean and good chain Restaurants.

    They are everywere around the City.

    Sanborn's has GREAT FOOD for BREAKFAST,  LUNCH AND DINNER! (They sale REAL and Natural MEXICAN FOOD) no Tex Mex!!

    VIP's Is more like Denny's but with Mexican food, also natural and great flavor. not like Sanborn's but GREAT

    Average Max. in this places:

    Breakfast For 2  around $15

    Lunch For 2 around $ 25

    Dinner For 2 Around $ 25

    Do not forget the Teotihuacan Pyramids excurtion close to (Ciudad Sahagun) will be a great experience but also expensive. check rates with the hotel lobby

    Please Never use public transportations or street taxi. always use a hotel car or rent a small car at the airport .

    Have a good trip and Good Luck!

  2. I like the previous persons answer for the most part. I would say, however, that the car rental might not be a good idea! I have spent some time in DF and driving is an experience to say the least. Signage and stoplights are merely suggestions here. I have been amazed to see drivers blow through intersections, go against traffic down one-way streets, cut off huge trucks, ect., etc., etc... There is no such thing as friendly driving in Mexico City! It is a war out there and as laid back as the people may seem, when you put them behind a wheel, they have to be wherever they are going faster than anyone on the road in front of them. Get some good tourist guidebooks, make a trip to the subway and get a map, plan your days according to general areas of the city and use the 2 peso subways to your advantage. Also, cabs are fairly cheap compared to other parts of the world just make sure you do not get on a pirata as you may end up in some alleyway getting relieved of your possessions.

  3. """"Please Never use public transportations or street taxi. always use a hotel car or rent a small car at the airport """"

    Bad advice! Dont even think about driving here. If you arent used to the way people drive here, you'll get into an accident. You dont have to take ANY kind of test to get a license here, not even a vision test! on the other hand, the metro is very easy to use and c heap as well. i have NEVER had a problem on the metro or in a metro bus. taxis.......have the hotel you stay at give you some help with that. there are good taxis and bad taxis.

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