
How much money would you need to feed yourself 3 meals in one day using roadside diners in America?

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My ultimate aim is to work out the cost of eating for 30 days straight, on the road, with no self catering, on a coast to coast trip.

I'm after approximations and averages based on average meals. Not fine cuisine, and similarly not gruel! Just an average meal.




  1. 25 bucks including tip

  2. Five dollars for Breakfast

    Twelve for a large lunch

    Fifteen for a light dinner

    Three dollars for coffee or drinks


    Total Thirty-Five Dollars

  3. Generally you can get by for less than $5, particularly at fast food places like McDonalds, but get something pretty nice for less than $10, a meal, that is. so $15 to $30 a day. Keep in mind that many grocery chains have delicatessens and often suitable traveling food can be purchased in the store itself.

    The roadside diner, per se, may be quite rare, but small restaurants abound, especially if you are willing to patronize franchise restaurants. You might try breakfast and lunch at fast food places and then buy something a little more attractive at a real restaurant for dinner.

  4. aproximately $55 since you have to leave a tip

  5. 35-40 bucks a day

  6. depends on the food you want to eat. if you eat a little fast food here and there, or if you get water instead of a drink you will save more money. if saving money isn't of concern then you will probably spend about thirty bucks a day. that is including a snack at a gas station or something. if you eat a meal off the dollar menu you can spend a lot less, probably around twenty. if you eat two meals off the dollar menu you could get down into the teens per day!

  7. breakfast average six dollars.. lunch average eight dollars.. dinner average nine dollars  that would be twenty three dollars a day.. also you would need to fill a bottle with water at each restaurant.. so you wont have to buy it.. no tip thease people get more from tips than you make all yearl  so twenty five a day for thirty days is that is seven hundred fifty dollars.. that  is a lot of cash... i would go to the camping supply and get a stash of dried meals for camping.. beef jerky all types of items you can have dried fruits.. cans of peanuts  nuts and check out the camping supply you could save a few  hundred with some dried fruits .. beef jerky.. and by no means get friendly with any one you could get robbed.. carry your money in a money belt.. and think about it . that is a lot just to eat.. and someplaces you wont like what they have.. if i were going to do this.. i would buy or rent a camper.. you can sleep eat sightsee and sleep in rest stops all across  the us.. you would be safer.. and your food and bed is with you. and in some cities a super market could have sales  and you could restock.. to rent one and have food and a place to sleep ..and buying a bed at night cheapest 54 a night that is another one thousand six hundred more or less.. look into the camper.. twenty four hundred with out it . how much with it check it out ok gilermo..

  8. about $30/day

  9. In the USA one meal a day is enough. BIG portions.

  10. Lol ask Rachel Ray...who hosted "$40 A Day!"  I could easily get by with like 20 bucks a day because when I drive I don't spend as much on food...but if there's a Starbucks watch out lol!  Plus just a tip...don't always eat at restaurants...go to grocery stores along your trip and get like a fruit salad for lunch (you don't have to EVERY time just once in awhile) or some other healthy alternative...don't eat at greasy spoons and McDonald's the whole way...along with sittin' on yer butt driving all that time you might gain about 10-15 pounds!

  11. Have you factored in food poisoning?

  12. I would take the time to survive on the least that you can and still getting healty. Eat plenty of fruits of vegetable and they'll give you more energy then  a greasy cheeseburger. Keep a small refrigerator and put some carrots with dip, just food in general that is cheap and is good for you.

  13. i would say $10/ per meal.  So if you dont eat that much $30/pday would probably leave you with extra but should definitely do ya!

  14. I'd think 45 or 50 bucks oughta do it.

  15. 3 dollars plus tax McDees double cheese. six dollars for two apiece

  16. 30.00

  17. I'd say $20 on average

  18. you can eat out pretty cheaply by sticking to places like Denny's, ihop,and buffets however you could always get food out of walmart and target delis,also you could stop at farmers markets for fresh fruits and veggies,  to save more money keep a cooler full of cold drinks sodas juices and water which could be bought for less at grocery stores,also you cold make up a few salads before you leave home just keep them cool  tuna.chicken,macaroni,or potato,make or buy cookies or brownies for the car have a great time

  19. hmm for breakfast you can probably eat at a fast food restaurant  like at Macdonald's or something and get the sauage mcmuffin for like $1 but your probably want something to drink so like another $1 and for lunch most restaurant have lunch specials for under $5 like a Chinese restaurants or a pizza place or something. And for dinner find something light cause when i eat to much i tend to get tired and sleepy and your driving so you don't wanna fall asleep so get like a an appetizer or something at a restaurant for like under $8.

    so thats about $15 a day.

  20. It will really depend on the state you're in but mostly the towns!

    I would say three meals averaged out will be about $10-$12 each (includes tip).

    Are you camping or staying in motels? Some hotel/motels provide a free continental b'fast...saves you a little.

    30 day road trip?? Sounds like fun!!

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