
How much money would you save if you stopped using name brand products and started using the generic brand?

by  |  earlier

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Do you think you could save a couple hundred dollars if you switched or do you not care about saving and would rather spend freely?




  1. good question.  i think there are many easy ways that we can all save a couple dollars, yes. you would prob. save a lot.

  2. I'm assuming that this relates to groceries. In that case you can save more by going by the price per ounce that is listed on the shelf tag.  

  3. It depends you must know your prices; sometimes if there is a good sale and you use coupons you can get a brand name product cheaper

    if there is a buy one get 2 free and you have a coupon you may be set.

    I buy both but I watch my prices.  

  4. i generally stick with generic anyway......

    im a tight bum sometimes

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