
How much money you spend for charity every month?

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How much money you spend for charity every month?




  1. Um, 20 pounds? So I guess thats $40.

    I sponsor a child with WorldVision:

    If anyone is looking for a charity to donate to - this is a great one!


    And to whoever wrote "You are supposed to give alms in secret, and not boast." Says who? Your vicar? Don't force your hocus pocus religious mantra on the rest of us!

  2. £2 a month to Cancer Research, and God knows how much to just about every bucket swinger who asks!

    You can't do enough for a good cause.

  3. You could read most of the most relevant verses from the holy Quran/Koran on charity.

    Giving charity is one of the most important things to do for the cause of God only and not for show off.

  4. I give 5% of my income to charity.

  5. not every month but when some needy people ask for help and I surely help with how much is possible from my end.

  6. I donate approximately 100 hours per month in voluntary service, take additional classes in disaster and attend 2 meetings a month.

  7. About $35 on a regular monthly basis, and I give throughout the year based on whatever I can afford.

  8. I am a firm believer that charity starts in the home, and not by the standard definition of most Americans, who take that to mean I donate to my own pockets...

    To me, it simply means that you can't be of any help to anyone if you don't take care of yourself first, thus my monthly charitable spending varies depending on what I have available after I have met my responsibilities. To many people that also has different meanings, but I WILL point out that I do NOT have cable, nor do I have DSL or any fancy internet (I'm still using dial-up)... Responsibilities means actual responsibilities, not luxuries...

    When I do not have the money to donate, I do try to donate time or effort. I have served Thanksgiving dinners in a homeless shelter, and when I have the time I have been known to participae in the MS-150 and Bik For Sight events here locally... I am also an active participant in Rusty Sword Productions, a northern California group that produces Renaissance Faires and other chritable events/shows for MS-MOMS, a charitable oganization that helps to support mothers who have MS (Multiple Sclerosis).

  9. 10 percent pf your income, or whatever you can comfortably afford.

  10. I volunteer my time, which is not much different than money.  I help teach math at an inner city school.

  11. You are supposed to give alms in secret, and not boast.

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