
How much more can I lose!?

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I am a 16 yr old female and i'm about 5'3" and 112 lbs. I gained a lot of weight this summer because I was even heavier in the beginning and in the school year I was like 106 lbs. Now I regret all my bad eating (of course) but since mid august I have pretty much gotten on track with not excessive eating and working out religiously! I have only lost about 4 lbs but I want to lose about 4 more. My plan is to keep calories at 1000-1200 a day and working out 6 days a week. There is only 1 week and a half until school... do you think I could atleast lose 2 more lbs if I am strict with this?!




  1. depends what you are targeting with your diet, are you targeting body weight or body fat? yeah you will lose more but you probably wont see that reflected in numbers because you are trading fat for muscle.

  2. thats bogus. go get some help.

  3. YES I used to be in the same position as you just exercise more than you can eat so you burn more calories. Before, I lost 4 pounds in 4 days so yea just believe in yourself.

  4. Well, maybe you can.    

    Make sure you are doing a diverse work out routine.  If you do the same one each day, your body will get used to it and it won't be as effective.  Add in pilates or yoga as well.   Try to go for an hour for each cardio day.  

    Just watch portion control and what kinds of food.  Make sure you are getting the right kinds of food and eat more often- just smaller meals/snacks.  Yogurt, fruits, granola bars, cheese and tuna, peanut butter and apples or celery, grilled chicken, turkey.  Watch the calories and sugar on all your food too...stick under 9 grams of sugar.  And do only whole grains.  

  5. Well, i calculated your BMI and it's 19.8, that means you're pretty thin (18 and under is underweight). You seem to be a very healthy person but maybe if you really tried you could lose a couple more.  

  6. First of all, may I THANK you for spelling the word "lose" correctly! So many idiots on this site can't spell that!

    Secondly, may I also recommend that you don't restrict your calories at this very young age! You are still growing, and you would be much better off exercising than restricting nutrition. I did when i was young, and I really think I was stunting my growth!

  7. try not to look at the scale so much...

    The mirror is a much better companion.

    Do remember that muscle weighs more than fat, so your weight increase could have been result from building muscle.. and by working out 6 days a week (depending on the exercises) could cause more muscle mass.

    So remember, how you look and how you feel is more important.


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