
How much more does it cost to feed a belgian horse than a regular size horse?

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And do you think it's a bad idea to get one as a family horse for some trails,ect. Is it to big for a 10 yr. old?




  1. all i can say is it costs ALOT more. surprisingly i've found cheaper tack than for a regular horse lol.  i think its a great idea! they are gentle giants! drafts usually have a GREAT disposition and are very sweet and calm natured. It doesnt matter if he's big for anyone, as long as he or she is controllable!

    my belgian eats about double what my TB eats (a little less)

  2. the general rule of thumb is 1 lbs. of grain per 100 lbs. of body weight. If you feed a good feed you can cut this by as much as half. Also they need forage so factor in how much forage he is eating per day. Also belgians can range from 15-17 hands. So if you get a smaller one it should be fine. They are great trail horses. Draft horses then to be calmer and more level headed then the other breeds. Also most of the time my draft horse cost less than my TB. She eats less than 2 lbs of grain per day. She eats about 2 lbs of good hay and has unlimited access to managed pasture. Also consider if the horse is an easy keeper. This means less grain is needed.  

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