
How much more is the price of diesel going to go up.?

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my husband and I have a truck (commercial) and we go from east to west coast (mainly to L.A. Calif. and back) I just checked the prices in different areas and everywhere is over $3.00 a gal.( near Phoenix, az is $3.11.) This is getting unreal.




  1. The really sad fact about the price of diesel?  It costs the oil companies LESS to turn oil into diesel than oil into gasoline.

    And it' ain't over yet!  The more we demand fuel-efficient vehicles, the higher price we will be charged for fuel.  

    I feel the further you are from a refinery, the more you will pay, plus the taxes differ from county to county and state to state.

  2. it has nothing to do with the war it has to do with Bush owning stock in the oil industry. It will keep going up until the american people demand to solsr run cars or to legalize hemp. Hemp is a cheap form of energy that can be produced

  3. Depends on how many more Muslim countries Bush pisses off. Since the majority of our fuel comes from countries with either a conflict with us or within themselves it's hard to tell how high it will go. The other thing that doesn't help is the lack of support for Diesel vehicles among the general population whereas Europe sells about 50% of there cars with a diesel powertrain. Keep on trucking.

  4. It's about supply.  Diesel fuel is #2 home heating oil and with the cold snap the east coast is under now, there's been a shift of supply away from road use to home use.  Diesel will unfortunately remain high most of the winter.

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