
How much more money do conservatives have to give, to be considered compassionate by liberal standards?

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1. Conservatives typically work private jobs, pay the most taxes and at the highest rates.

2. Those Taxes go mostly to liberal redistribution programs.

3. Conservatives rarely rely upon social security during retirement.

4. Conservatives pay their own health care - insurance and co pay.

5. Conservatives give more to charity.

6. Conservatives typically give 10% of their earnings to their church.

7. Conservatives own businesses that employ the world.

8. Liberals use conservative money, to act as if they are compassionate - why don't they use their own? compassionate hard working conservatives, where would all that compassion come from?




  1. I tell you what, you cons pay for the defense budget and all the wars you get us into, and let us pay for children's health care and education.


  2. All of it.  The socialist utopia is a world where productive people give all of their property to the state, and the benevolent state decides who gets the bounty.  Because the state knows best, you know.

  3. Where is your source? That is all false :)

    To answer your question, the compassion certainly does not come from the Conservatives who feel that we should all just fend for ourselves.

  4. It is true that conservative give more to chairty, see we believe that FORCED charity isnt really charity. Being forced to give up your paycheck does not make you a saint and neither does TAKING someone's paycheck and giving it to other people

  5. you have it all wrong. Libs don't give, they TAX.

    Your questions should read, "how high should taxes be levied on conservatives (to pay for those unwilling to work) for liberals to be satisfied"....answer: taxes are never high enough to satisfy libtards.

  6. Great and very truthful question !   Just goes to show you what ingrates and hypocrites the far left really is. They truly continue to bite the hand that feeds them. The truth is we can survive and prosper just fine without them but the sad fact is they need us for their very existence.

  7. It's the liberal politicians who make the laws.  Politicians are rich; they pay a lot in taxes.

  8. learn to understand some principle conception before accept any suggestion is a great idea.Here is great place to start.

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