
How much more rain can we get? Anybody else live in Newcastle, UK?

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its rained my whole six weeks off school!

its really chucking down at the minute here.

proper depressin like!

some summer this has been!




  1. Imagine if due to global warming and the melting of the Greenland and antarctica ice sheets, thereby putting a lot more water into the system. Imagine if it was to become like this forever. Rain every day with just a few hours respite here and there.

    What a miserable prospect.

  2. i live in dorset and its been raining since may 2007

    british summers dont exist anymore

  3. Try Glasgow!!  I'm looking out of the window at really torrential rain yet the sun is shining!

  4. My son lives in Newcastle, I am in Kerry, SW Ireland and it feels like it has been raining since last year.

  5. Hey guess what it's still raining!!!!!!!

  6. i dont live in newcastle but where i live (barry, south wales) it has been raining non stop...i had many plans to do this summer but its all been desrtoyed by the rubbish wether............dont worry u are not alone!!

  7. Stop moaning or your council rates will go up, we've had lots of sun this year and last year in Suffolk, but we also have high council tax.too pay for it.

  8. i m not livin in newcastle

  9. Come up to Alnmouth for the afternoon - the sun has just come out.

    At least there are another couple of weeks of holidays left; maybe the weather will improve.

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