
How much more should a manager be paid? For 10 points?

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How much more do you think that a manager should be paid than the employees that they are managing. Generally speaking. This could be percentage wise, etc. For 10 points...




  1. 20% or more, but it really depends on the type of work involved.  The manager of people who trim trees for a living requires a very different skill set compared to the manager of MBA financial analysts.  If you Google "salaries' you might be able to find an online salary guide and you can look up the two positions you are wondering about and figure it out.

  2. I make 50 percent more than those under me. I would assume my manager would also make at least 50 percent more than me.  

  3. depends on mgr of what..and of how many employees .

    manager in insurance sales can make base salary plus bonuses from employees, $100k+, while the rep only makes $30 -40k...manager at mcdonalds doesn't make much more than employees. mgr may only make 12.00 hr while worker is making minimum wage $ 7hr

  4. i think it all depends on how well the manager works..... if they do manage well then about 15 percent more

  5. Managers work very hard and should be paid as much as 25 per hour.

  6. 15%

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