
How much msg should i use in a curry??

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How much msg should i use in a curry??




  1. None. Msg is very very bad for you and it feeds cancer. It also has other things that your body does not need.

  2. you shouldnt use MSG at all. All it is is a TON of salt, it will give your food flavor but it isnt healthy at all! It will jsut make you dehydrated and want more food in an hour.

    Just use regular salt. MSG is nasty. Plus a lot of people are allergic to it without knowing it.

  3. You shouldn't use MSG. It's not necessary for making any dish taste better. Just use a litte more spices to make it more flavorful!

  4. MSG (Monosodium glutamate), is Japanese creation during 1907.

    It is associated with Chinese cooking as a  flavor enhancer.

    Curry are made all over South Asia. I can assure you that Indian Curries, Indonesian Curries and Thai Curries do NOT use any MSG.

    It is possible that MSG is used in Chinese curries as a matter of habit, though it is not needed. Normally you would add about one teaspoon of MSG to 6 cups of food.

  5. None.  MSG is a flavor enhancer.  It is only used commercially to cover-up not-so-good production practices.  If you make the dish right, it will have plenty of flavor without having to resort to MSG.

    I have found the key to making great curry is to freshly grind your spices every time you make it and make sure you add the right amount of salt.  The result will explode with flavor.

    Good luck!

  6. in curry we dont nd to add any more msg,coz the taste of the curry is very dont put will spoil the original taste

  7. None.  Use herbs and spices.

  8. None its mainly used for Japanese and Chinese foods


  9. wht curry are u making? and normally if you are not going to store it then u dont put msg

  10. NONE! Yuck.

  11. none msg can kill you

  12. I'd agree with most - none!!

    I'm sensitive to it myself and feel quite ill if I have food with it in.

    If you've a good recipe, you don't need it.

  13. ZERO, with all the spices why would you need to add any msg?  Skip it!

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