
How much must i pay for living in tubingen every month? (medium department and etc. for one person)?

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How much must i pay for living in tubingen every month? (medium department and etc. for one person)?




  1. Depend on your standard of living!

    Be more specific!

    Not sure where in Germany you live t maia but on 700 € you just prevent starving at least in Baden Württemberg :)

    Well if you call that normal living yes then it might be possible !!

    To my opinion that is not to be considered a normal life !!

    For a normal life you need at least 1000€ per month in both Baden Württemberg and Bavaria.

    I have been living there all my life BTW  :)

    As for the income needed to get the resident permit we all know that the authorities do some weired calculations think of Harz 4 for example !!

    To my opinion you have to answer the guy who certainly want to live a normal life and not sleep in some c**p eating c**p !!!

  2. Appartments are difficult to find in Tuebingen. Looking for a  room in a shared flat or shared house with the toilet and shower downstairs or across the floor would be more realistic. Tuebingen is a student town, plenty of families with their own houses rent out rooms in  their attics or their basements to students. Expect to pay around 250-350 EUR per month.

    For food and other necessities budget around 350 EUR per month. It is possible to survive on less, but as a rule a student needs about 700 EUR per month in most cities in Germany.

    @George: You'd be surprised at what kind of budget some students from India or the Ukraine manage to live on in Tuebingen. I've run into people making do with 450 EUR per month, living in the crappiest places possible (former chicken shed with no heating and no running water, rented out in Tuebingen Suedstadt for 130 EUR per month) and begging food and other favours (like showers and laundry service) from other students. I knew an Indian who had all his stuff in a backpack and slept whereever somebody offered him shelter. He was at a different flat in Waldhaeuser Ost every night, everybody knew him and most students let him sleep on the sofa or on the mattress he had in their kitchen or gave him the keys to their room when they went to see their parents.

    The 700 EUR per month are from an internal paper in use at the Ausländerbehörden (foreigner's offices) in Bavaria and Baden-Wuertemberg last year, it was the income that was needed in order to get a residency permit as a student.

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