
How much notice am I supposed to get about being laid off?

by  |  earlier

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I already know that I am being laid off, and my last day of work is supposed to be this Friday. But, I work for a large company, and I still haven't gotten written notice from HR. I thought that I was supposed to get 2 weeks notice, like if I were to quit.

Suppose I never receive the written notice, will they still be obligated to pay me if I show up?




  1. They don't have to give you any notice.  They will call you into the office and drop the bomb.  

  2. They have to give you a written notice to my understanding. If you know for sure you are getting laid off, then talk with HR. I would imagine the respect goes the same way as if you were to quit and you'd give them two weeks notice.

    Until it is written, and you have your notice, then you're not laid off yet. Talk with HR. just to make certain. May be they changed their minds and they are keeping you.

    Good luck and I hope things work out for ya.

  3. You already know that you are being laid off by who told you?  If nobody, then you are safe!  If you never receive any written notice, yes you will earn the salary if you show up.  Don't think about laid off till HR gives you one.  Think Positive...

  4. Yes, they must notify you 2 weeks before, lay you off same day, but pay 2 weeks anyway.

  5. Depending on the state you work in the company can lay you off or fire you without notice of any kind. The remaining states have a notification time frame but none of them say it must be in writing. Unless you work for a union the company can tell you that a certain date will be your last and that is considered notification. You can request a written letter from HR for unemployment purposes but the company is not required to provide one. If you show up for work after your last official day the company can have you arrested for trespassing and or have you removed from the property.

    Most will just ask you to leave but they do have the legal right to remove you. You can pick up your final check 24 hours after your last day unless that occurs on a friday then you can pick it up on the following monday.

  6. Most states are Right to Work States. Which means you can quit or your employer can terminate your employment at any time with or without notice. I suggest going into the HR office before Friday to; verify that Friday is your last day, ask when you will be receiving your last paycheck etc. and also ask them if they recommend any employment agencies to help you find a new job. Having the knowledge beforehand is better than showing up at the last minute when your supervisor has already provided you with verbal notice of your last day at work.

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