
How much notice do you take of people's teeth?

by  |  earlier

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I don't know if its just me, but when people talk i tend to look at their teeth to see what kind of state their in lol. Do you take much notice, or do you not look at a persons teeth at all.




  1. Depends... if a person is smiling and laughing then i tend to look at their teeth but otherwise i don't tend to notice but it also depends on what their best feature is because i usually tend to focus on that!!!

  2. rotfl. I do the same thing all the time. that's why I got braces. lol.

    answer mine?

  3. It's a natural reaction for most people. The condition of your teeth is one of the first things that someone will look at. I have braces and I've noticed that everyone I talk to is constantly looking at mouth. It's like they can't get enough of them, lol!

  4. your a "TOOTH" person Huh?....Not unusual at all . There are Leg men, boob men, foot people, hand people, body people and being a Tooth Person is just another normal issue....Sometimes it's even job related...Hairdressers tend to focus on how other people are dressed, Jewelers tend to check out your bling and of course you and dentists look at peoples teeth......Knowing that this is true, don't you wonder about the first look a Proctologist zeros in on or even a GYN.....The Optometrist you just know checks out your eye ware and the shoe salesman your been creating beautiful smiles for over 40 years so sure...I eventually get to the teeth....I'm sort of a head to toe kind of guy....I prefer a total package....Anyway, go ahead and peruse the pearly whites until your hearts content......I'm betting you looked at your sweetie, got all hot and bothered and said "dam what a TOOTH".......Have a great day.

  5. All the time, total turn off if their teeth are icky.

    yeah, i guilty lol

  6. yeah I'm always trying to distinguish veneers from real teeth...

    veneers tend to be too perfect..

    I wouldn't judge anybody with bad teeth..but if they had bad that's a different matter...

  7. I notice people's teeth a lot too. Teeth can tell you a lot about a person.

  8. Honestly I pay a lot of attention to them. A persons smile is very important.

  9. i always look at their teeth at first sight esspecially finding gal

    if they are not too crooked then is fine but if not it really bother me  

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