
How much number in a group has to be called a quorom?

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How much number in a group has to be called a quorom?




  1. A quorum is the number required to make the decisions of a meeting legally binding.  This can be 1 or 5 or 10,000 people, or it can be a percentage of the membership.  The number will be specified in the Constitution or Articles of Government of the organization. (a sentence will read 'the quorum for a meeting will be ...')

    Any meeting can be quorate until someone asks for a count of those present, so if nobody asks, the meeting can be automatically quorate.  The other important point is to make sure that all members are given sufficient notice of meetings (also specified) because any meeting that is not correctly publicized cannot be quorate because it is not a legal meeting.

  2. If you are talking about the minimum number of members it takes to keep a Yahoo group open, it is 3 or more.

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