
How much of Europe would Obama allow Russia to invade and conquer before he considered military action?

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Is Russia acting up in anticipation of his lackluster defense policy?




  1. All of it.   He may try to talk to them about it though.  But he'd DO nothing.  

  2. Gee it couldn't be that Russia is acting up because Bush gave them a 'blank check' after 9/11 and the decision to invade Iraq?  Russia did not just start acting up in responce to Obama but why bother arguing you obviouslly wish to squat and kiss McCain on the Royal ****.


  3. The milk on our grocery store shelves would be swapped out for vodka.  

  4. As much as they want , because Obama would stand there and stutter.

  5. None.

    Obama has never said we should withdraw from our obligations to defend NATO.

    Disinformation will not work in this election. Nice try though.

  6. ask the current president.  by the time Obama gets in it'll be all over.  hey kinda like how saddam decided to bomb the twin towers as soon as bush got elected ERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR...

  7. Russia needs a swift asskicking ASAP before they get more emboldened.

  8. Obama will stand firm and defend all 57 states in this country.

  9. Russia can have the whole thing as far as I'm concerned. I'm too worried about terrorists that are out to get me to worry about Europe too.

  10. He'll give them half of Europe before he sits down without pre-conditions.

  11. About as much as McCain would !

  12. Most of Europe is a member of NATO, so he would be required to defend it.

  13. depends on what military we have left .

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