
How much of Gore's movie is faked?

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We know that he faked the glacier scene. How much more do you think he faked. Is he nothing more than a skinnier Michael Moore?




  1. The same amount that was faked for coverage of the Apollo lunar landing:

    "Seventy-one percent say that global warming is probably happening, 6 percent believe it is probably not happening..."

    "A 1999 poll by the The Gallup Organization found that 89 percent of the US public believed the landing was genuine, while 6 percent did not..."


    "We know that he faked the glacier scene."

    No, we don't.  You failed to provide a link to your source for this nutty claim.

  2. Nothing, it's all genuine

  3. none of it

  4. What matters is that most of what the movie said is true.

    Al Gore got it wrong.

    An Inconvenient Truth was criticised by a high court judge who highlighted "nine scientific errors":

    The film claimed low-lying inhabited Pacific atolls "are being inundated because of anthropogenic global warming" but there was no evidence of any evacuation

    It spoke of global warming "shutting down the ocean conveyor". The judge said according to the IPCC, it was "very unlikely"

    Gore claimed two graphs plotting C02 and temperature showed "an exact fit". The judge said "the two graphs do not establish what Mr Gore asserts"

    Gore said the disappearance of snow on Mt Kilimanjaro was attributable to humans. The judge said that could not be established

    The drying of Lake Chad was used as an example of global warming. The judge said: "It is apparently considered to be more likely to result from ... population increase, over-grazing and regional climate variability"

    Gore ascribed Hurricane Katrina to global warming, but there was "insufficient evidence to show that"

    Gore referred to a study showing polar bears that drowned. The judge said "the only scientific study indicates four polar bears recently drowned because of a storm"

    The film said that coral reefs were bleaching because of global warming. The judge said separating the impacts of stresses due to climate change from other stresses, such as over-fishing and pollution, was difficult

    The film said a sea-level rise of up to 20ft would be caused by melting of either west Antarctica or Greenland in the near future. The judge ruled that this was "distinctly alarmist"

    Source: The Guardian


    "What the science says...

    "It's worth pointing out that Al Gore is a politician, not a climate scientist. Debunking Gore does not disprove anthropogenic global warming. Nevertheless, it is instructive to look at the purported errors in An Inconvenient Truth as it reveals a lot about climate science and the approach of his critics."

    What Al got right

    "Retreating Himalayan Glaciers

    Contrary to James Taylor's article, the American Meteorological Society's Journal of Climate never said growing glaciers are "confounding global warming alarmists" - that's a quote from the Heartland Institute website written by... James Taylor. He's actually quoting himself and attributing it to the AMS! To put the Himalayas in context, the original AMS study is not refuting global warming but observing anomalous behaviour in a particular region, the Karakoram mountains. This region has shown short term glacier growth in contrast to the long term, widespread glacier retreat throughout the rest of the Himalayas due to feedback processes associated with monsoon season. Overall, Himalayan glaciers are retreating - satellite measurements have observed "an overall deglaciation of 21%" from 1962 to 2007. In essence, the Karakoram glaciers are the exception that proves the rule."

    Greenland gaining ice

    "Re Greenland, a big clue is the study's title: Recent Ice-Sheet Growth in the Interior of Greenland. The study finds ice mass in the interior due to heavier snowfall - an expected side-effect of global warming - and doesn't factor in all the melting that occurs at the edges of the ice sheet. Overall, Greenland is losing ice according to satellite measurements."

    Antartica cooling and gaining ice

    "Antarctic cooling is a uniquely regional phenomenon. The original study observed regional cooling in east Antarctica. The hole in the ozone layer above the Pole causes increased circular winds around the continent preventing warmer air from reaching eastern Antarctica and the Antarctic plateau. The flip side of this is the Antarctic Peninsula has "experienced some of the fastest warming on Earth, nearly 3°C over the last half-century". While East Antartica is gaining ice, Antartica is overall losing ice. This is mostly due to melting in West Antarctica which recently had the largest melting observed by satellites in the last 30 years."


    "The dispute isn't that global warming is causing more hurricanes but that it's increasing their severity and longevity."

    What Al got wrong

    Mount Kilimanjaro

    "Indeed deforestation seems to be causing Mount Kilimanjaro's shrinking glacier so Gore got this wrong. In his defence, the study by Philip Mote came out after Gore's film was made. But Mote puts it in perspective: "The fact that the loss of ice on Mount Kilimanjaro cannot be used as proof of global warming does not mean that the Earth is not warming. There is ample and conclusive evidence that Earth's average temperature has increased in the past 100 years, and the decline of mid- and high-latitude glaciers is a major piece of evidence."

    Dr Thompson's thermometer

    "Al Gore refers to a graph of temperature, attributing it to Dr Thompson . The graph is actually a combination of Mann's hockey stick (Mann 1998) and CRU's surface measurements (Jones 1999). However, the essential point that temperatures are greater now than during the Medieval Warm Period is correct and confirmed by multiple proxy reconstructions."

  5. ALLOT!

  6. Is there a global climate change question in here somewhere?

    Gore is just one of many who support the concept.

  7. 83% of environmental scientists, including myself, feel that human beings contribute little to this natural cycle of warming and cooling of our planet.

    so you base your opinion upon this statistic.

  8. everything is fake, thus the reason the creator of the weather channel is suing him for his 9 UNtruths. He is such a hippacrit. he talks about global warming all the time, yet flies private jets that guzzel fuel and polute, his house is giant and expends some ridiculous amount of energy that i don't remember

  9. An easier question (and Shorter to answer) would be how much is NOT faked. Don't be messin up his scam now, he's gettin rich off of thisB.S. and will soon buy another house that he won't live in and a new jet and limo and.....

  10. He is another example of a looser who had to go to the extreme of making up more lies to get a bigger bank account!  They are everywhere!   People are so gullible and will believe anything as long as its on a big screen !   Its so sad!   They are very similar- I'll agree to that,  Moore is worse!

  11. Well if you're going to count the glacier as "fake" you simply must count those animated polar bears!  I'm almost positive they weren't real.

  12. 99.9%...False

    You believe this guy...

    A guy that stated "HE invented the Internet" ???

    This guy is a has been...

    A chart can be made to say anything you want it to..

    same goes with Movies...

    You seem to forget that he is a

    "ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT"...advocate

  13. 10 % he exagerate alittle to call for attention.

  14. ummm try most of it.....according to his movie the water level will raise 40 feet and he made it sound like it would happen in the next 50 years(make that about 200,000 years to raise one meter at the current rate)

  15. He didn't fake it, but a HUGE amount of it is grossly overexaggerated.

    Global warming is definitely happening, but not to the extent that he says. Al Gore is just looking for an outlet to cry about his loss and point his finger at the Bush Administration.

  16. its 1 lie after another, or so a British court found. when the movie is shown in Brittan it must have a disclaimer saying that there are 9 "untruths" in the movie.

  17. I think he faked or glorified a lot. I wouldn't put anything past a democrat

  18. Come on in folks..the Kool-Aid is just great..Follow the Money..and you will have your answer..

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