
How much of Palin's speech do you think was her own words ?

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and not the McCain speech writers....?

The whole speech was about Obama and McCain...and no mention of her own stances on the issues.

Noticeably absent was any mention of being Pro-life, or teaching Creationism in schools.

One thing nobody can deny...she reads a teleprompter very well....

So when do we meet the REAL Sarah Palin, and not the version of Sarah Palin that the RNC wants us to believe is real...?




  1. You're kidding, right? how much of obamas speeches do you think HE wrote on his own? get real. all of them have their speeches written. she reads the teleprompter just as well as obama. when do we meet the REAL obama? and not the version the left wing media is shoving down our faces???????????????

  2. None.  Former longtime Bush speechwriter Matthew Scully is the man behind tonight’s convention speech by Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin.

    That must be why she thinks that Al Qaeda is in Iraq.

  3. none

  4. 5 words - My name is Sarah Palin

  5. credit goes to the teleprompter

  6. the part where she said she was on the pta and a soccer mom.

  7. Very little. I was told that her speech was written for another candidate and after she was picked, the original speech was found to be "too masculine" (direct quote from McCain Campaign Chair) so they toned it down.

    After hating Obama for his speech-making ability, Republicans suddenly like someone for making a good speech? Strange.

  8. I had thought she wrote it herself.....but I remembered them saying she grafted to it.....added to it.

  9. Never heard a speach like that! it was awesome!!!

  10. Not one word of it this woman was sen on TV being coached on where 2 stand how to wave smile etc..

  11. none, it was well reported from the campaign that these are McCain's words, and of course he did not write them. She is a great speaker, but we do not have to worry about her getting any Clinton voters thats for sure. I even think she rallied them today to vote for Obama.

  12. i take it you're supporting barry obama  change change change..  what change?

  13. I'm not sure if any politician writes their own speeches any more. I'm guessing 20% of it may have been hers. I like and respect John Mccain and Joe Biden. They both have a record I can look at and make an educated decision.All I know of Pahlin and Obama are prepared speeches. I plan to keep an open mind and learn as much about each of them as I can.

  14. Probably around 50/50.  Speeches are written with input from the speaker.  Do you actually think that Obama, McCain, Clinton, Bush, or any of the others write their own speeches?  We will see much more of all the candidates during the debates.  We saw Obama stumble badly at the Saddleback forum without his canned answers.  These are the events that tell the tale.

  15. Let's be fair here.

    Obama has writers as well. Biden has writers, McCain has writers, they all have writers.

    The point is, she got her points across and she delivered the speech well.

    It's not our fault Obama couldn't get a good speech writer as well.  

  16. Every politician has speech writers.  Then they review the speech and make appropriate changes.

    I'm more concerned with her track record - which is phenomenal by the way...

  17. Perhaps her words about her family.

    Everything else was scripted for her.  

    Why is there such criticism of Obama about reading a teleprompter, when every politician does it?

  18. Read non-verbal cues, her emphasis.

    You will se what she does and does not agree with, regardless of who wrote what.

    Subtle, but there.

  19. What speech were you listining to she laid out her plan to make us energy indepedent and that will do alot to stabalize our economy. She is for cutting taxes and so on.

    If you can't tell by listening to the speech that she wrote it I don't know what to tell you. No speech writer is going to write a speech like that with  the lipstick and the hockey moms and all that stuff.

  20. Probably as much as an Obama speech is his own words.

    She does read a teleprompter very well because she had a real job as a TV reporter. Wow this alone gives her more experience than Obama.

  21. EVERY person speaking at both conventions has their speech written for them. But don't forget, the person reading the speech colaborates with the writer.

    McCain/Palin '08


  22. About the same amount as Obamas.

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