
How much of a chance do I have of being accepted to Vanderbilt?

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-It's my 1st choice, I'd apply ED but my parents won't let me because of financial reasons

-I go to a competitive high school in GA

-I have a 94.5 average

-10 honors classes and by the time I graduate I will have 9 APs

-class rank: 60/505 (i know, not so great but it's because of all of the honors and APs)

- SAT: 2150 (670 CR 770 Math 710 W)

- SAT IIs: 720 US History, 670 Math 1, 630 Spanish

-National Merit Commended Scholar

-AP Scholar with honor


-1 month community service summer program (about 120 hours) after 10th grade

- Jr. Civitan club (secretary then president, member every year)

- class council- every year

-BBYO( jewish youth organization)- every year.

-treasurer of Peers Against Cancer-9th and 10th

-NHS-11th and 12th

-i've been involved in other clubs, but those are the main ones

-had a job at AE this year & will work there next year




  1. I did not check to see the average SAT and GPA of their most recent incoming classes, but you can handle that by looking at the COOL website (College Online Opportunities Locator).

    The college website may also have info on the averages for recent incoming classes.

    You seem to be a student with a lot going on, and it seems positive.

    You DO have three EXCELLENT teacher recommendations?

  2. I'm assuming you're at least top 10% in your HS and if so, good chance.

  3. I really don't c how u couldn't get in. Good luck.

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