
How much of a disadvantage does this put me at with women?

by  |  earlier

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i am 20, but i look so much more mature than most guys around my age. i'm not losing my hair or getting wrinkles or anything, but i just have this mature look that makes me look like i'm in my mid to late 20s as opposed to the the look a lot of guys around my age have which gives them a teen look.

for example, in the college setting i'm in, i sometimes feel like i look more like a TA or young professor than i do a second year student.

how much of a disadvantage do you think this will put me at in 1) attracting girls around my age and 2) attracting older women. i am talking about ATTRACTION, making them think i'm s**y, NOT finding me as a good long term partner.

please tell me your age with your answer.




  1. Do you have an old looking body too- belly and all? If you have a fit body i guess the young ones will be attracted to you but if your body looks as old as your face looks it may be tough

  2. I'm 21. I think that different women have different tastes. I don't think it will really put you at a disadvantage.

  3. Are you kidding?! Younger women love older men! Go get 'em tiger!

    I was college aged once, and fantasized about my prof.

    You've got it made. The looks of an older man, but the staying power of a younger one!!!   Again, go get 'em tiger!

  4. I would think that if you look older the gals would flock to you. Many girls like the older ones.

    You gotta get some confidence mister. Us older ladies like it (36 I am, I am). I know it's a term that is probably overused, but it is true - CONFIDENCE is s**y.

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