
How much of a discount do licensed Travel Agents really earn on Cruises and Airfare?

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I'm specifically looking for the discounts that Travel Agents get when they themselves travel. (Fam trips, etc)




  1. Depends.  If your travel dates are flexible, travel agents can get you some AWESOME deals -- even better than those put out by online companies like Sherman's Travel and TravelZoo.  However, if you have definite dates picked out, travel agents usually do just a little bit better than booking everything yourself, if they can do better at all.  In the case of knowing where and when you want to go, a lot depends on the popularity of the destination you have picked out and whether it's a heavy travel time (like Spring Break, Christmas holiday, etc.)  You'll find if you travel at peak times to touristy places the quote you'd get from a travel agent is about the same as what you would get if you made all your own arrangements.

  2. The actual discount varies on if it is a FAM (Familiarization) trip or independent, destination, vendor offering agent rates, etc.  We don't really get a big discount on airfare at all unless it is package with hotel.  

    The answer to this question is difficult to explain unless in the business and were able to look at various things.  

    Discounts are definitely deserved I can say because agents don't typically make that much money for what we do, so we need to get away every once in a while!

    Are you thinking of going to school to be an agent?

  3. Are you talking about discounts available to travel agents or commission made by travel agents for booking flights and cruises etc?

    They are 2 very different things.

    As Travel agents you can get some very good fares but these al depend on the companies and the time of year etc so you can never say exactly how much we get.

    Commission are different and can range from  nothing to about 25%. You have to remember that most travel agents give the majority of the moeny they earn on booking your holiday away as discount to you!!

  4. We do get FAM trips, but maybe once every 5 years, and travel agent rate is around the same as military discounts, not much, unless you are willing to leave the week after they post a agent sailing, which is hard to do when you work.

  5. The days of T/A's getting something for cheap or free is over!

    Unless product specific what you are asking about is pretty rare.

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