
How much of a fool am I for buying the audio book "The Secret"?

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I am trying to think positive thoughts right now, but all I can think is "I wasted @20.00.




  1. Yeah, I work at a bookstore, and I figured out a long time ago that I didn't need to pay for someone to tell me to think positive. It's the power of Oprah, I'm telling you. She gets people to buy anything.  

  2. I think "The Secret" is better expressed by the famous tagline of another literary work: "I think I can! I think I can!"

  3. I bought the actual hard cover book for, I think $13.00 or so.  Got about halfway through it and then just gave up on it out of sheer boredom.  I can't imagine what it would be like to sit though the movie <yawn!!>

  4. I don't think you're foolish.  The law of attraction has clearly worked for me--for instance:  I spent quite a few hours checking out the kind of truck I needed to make our dream of full time RV travel real.  Hubby & I decided on the color make model, year, how much we could afford, every little detail.  One day about 2 weeks after he quit his job & was waiting for a background check & pee test to come back for a position (one he's now in) that required--full time travel (his choice of nationwide locations--we took Florida, for now)  We decide on a whim to "kick some tires" & 2 hours later we drove out in our 1 ton duley in exactly the yr '04) make color, model, etc--based on my disability income only!  There you go--3 examples in one of the Law of Attraction working.  ie his job & a truck & RV (which actually happened a year earlier but much the same way as the truck)  It's not just "positive thinking"  its more like "knowing" you have what you desire.  It's not easy & takes practice, study--there's lots of free stuff on the net.  If you "want " xyz, then that's what you experience, that's what you attract--the "wanting".  Hope this helps.

  5. The Secret, like most books that claim to teach some transcendent truth, is just a ruse to separate people from their money.

    Actually, you are probably wiser for having bought the book.  Now, you realize that it's better to go to the library than to buy untested tripe for cash.

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