
How much of a percentage of racism will play in the upcoming General Election?

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In your opinion is it overt or covertly established with jingoism?




  1. There are many racist people out there. Its time for fresh, new and different leadership that benefits the country at large, not certain socio-economic groups, races, religions, etc. Our country is moving toward bigger and better things during this century.

    OBAMA-BIDEN '08!!!!

  2. two racial entities play themselves out here, racism and reverse racism.  given the recent nomination by Mac, sexism also makes an appearance in '08 as well.  These issues are all tied into one central issue.  The central issue is those with small minds being allowed to vote in the first place.  I am in favor of pre election IQ tests.  A reasonable amount of common sense should be displayed before one is allowed to cast their vote.

  3. Honestly, I don't even think that racism has to play a part in this election. Here is why I believe this.

    1.) NoBama and Biden are two of the most left leaning Sen. in the Senate. So much for Bipartisanship! Everyone recognizes that no matter how much CHANGE you want, you cannot do this without reaching across the isle.

    2.) Obama does not have the experience to be President and Commander in Chief. Even Sarah Palin as VP has more experience because the 3 years NoBama was in the Sen. two years he spent campaigning for Pres.

    3.) Obama's mentors and inspirations growing up were well know marxist and socialist like Saul Alinsky. This is not where the American public want to go.  

  4. nobody will ever know because of prison rape

  5. the white house shall remain for the white.

  6. Obama is getting 95% of the Black vote... not because of his qualifications but cause of his skin color.

    If  95% of the whites or women said they voted that way it would be called racism.  Somehow Obama's isn;t... so I guess no racism exists.

  7. It shouldnt sway many votes.  Most people ho with what they think is right, experience, and ability to handle a situation well.

  8. A lot considering Obama will get 95+% of the black vote.

  9. Depends... If Obama loses, CNN will be right there to hit the airwaves with wall-to-wall coverage of Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson to tell us why he wasn't elected.

  10. not as high a percentage as sexism.  

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