
How much of a political debt does Obama owe , Emil Jones, Tony Resko, and Richard Daily Jr.& How will he repay?

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How much of a political debt does Obama owe , Emil Jones, Tony Resko, and Richard Daily Jr.& How will he repay?




  1. Obama better win.  Maybe, he will write a book.  Maybe go to Jimmy carter.  Jimmy can show him how to grow peanuts.  Obama can always go on food stamps.

  2. I think you left out Kim Jong Il, Lex Luthor, Hitler, Mao Zedong

  3. The majority of Sen Obamas donations come from small donors, Donors giving $100.

    It is the reason he beat Hillary.

    "The details of Mr. Obama’s January fund-raising illustrate just how much his campaign has been able to chart a new path for the presidential race. He brought in $28 million online, with 90 percent of those transactions coming from people who donated $100 or less, and 40 percent from donors who gave $25 or less, suggesting that these contributors could be tapped for more. (Donors are limited to giving $2,300 per candidate during the primary season.) More than 200,000 of the campaign’s nearly 300,000 donors in January were first-time givers to Mr. Obama."

    McCain the candidate expects Republicans to use the same big-money 527 groups that he once called on Congress to outlaw to defeat Sen Obama. In fact, McCain the candidate has done or campaigned against everything McCain the Senator has worked against. Talk about flip flopping, McCain even stabs himself in the back.

    Also, most of his donations are from 6 figure soft money donations. (another thing he once stood up against). I guess, he is only a reformer when it is politically helpful.

  4. Obama has run out of money already and will be looking for more.

    He cancelled his ad buys here in Georgia, may he given up on the state already.

  5. A bundle.Don't forget biden. He was a buddy of Rezko's too.

  6. He'll owe them our country.

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