
How much of a problem does the space shuttles cause to our global warming problem?

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How much of a problem does the space shuttles cause to our global warming problem?




  1. I would say very little compared to what the average human

    being is doing to it.  They go up so infrequently...and the

    space stations emit no gases.  I would say that is the least

    of our worries.

  2. They don't cause anything, they go out like once every 2 years, unlike cars that are out 24/7 and cause polution constantly and it builds up.

  3. Imagine a block of iron, 10 feet square. now put a goose feather on it. that much.

  4. The shuttle fuel is hydrogen and oxygen which will cause water vapor . No Corbin and no CO2 ,how i like that.

  5. the effect of pollution from high altitude airplanes and from orbital rockets on global warming is negative.

    although these produce a lot of CO2, which increases global warming, they also produce a lot of solid particles at high altitudes, these block some of the sun rays but their main effect is the creation of high altitude clouds, which do not produce rain but block much more sun rays.

    so the total effect is global cooling.

    funny, but dirt in the air is beneficial to the planet.

  6. Not much, because they launch it only a couple times a year. Anyway, the fuel for the main engines is hydrogen, which does not make carbon dioxide when it burns. It is one of the non-global warming fuels some people are proposing using in cars to solve the problem.

  7. Global warming is so last year...

    Start wondering about Ocean Acidification, the other effect of high CO2 levels.

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