
How much of a £500.00 a day allowance should go into savings ?

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How much of a £500.00 a day allowance should go into savings ?




  1. Wish I had your parents growing up!

  2. Yes, nice one!

                                I had the same problem as a youngster, people don't understand just how much a decent bottle of champagne costs these days.

                                  Clothes? They cost a fortune , you must be paying £800 for a decent dress?  Dont really see how you could manage on £500 a day, not much chance of saving any of that.

                                  I never saved any thing, and look at me now, a multi millionare !

    Daddy left me money.

                                   If your question was intended to annoy, it worked with me!!!!! (almost)

  3. I'm not sure what that's worth in Dollars, but seriously, why are you getting a daily allowance? My dad was a banker all his life, and always said to pay your self first, as much as you could stand.  Why not half? You'll get more tomorrow!

  4. As a general rule, when I was a kid I'd put half of any money I made in my wallet, and put the other half in a container and saved it.  However, I'm talking $10 here and there, what you are getting is way more money, and I'd be saving most of it if I were you.

  5. what the heck is this? >£

  6. wtF??? thats like a thousand dollars a day?????

  7. if i were you, Which i wish a was... i would save £100.00 a day

  8. £100.00 a day.

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