
How much of an increase in electric use does recharging a hybrid car take (how much will my power bill go up)?

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Gas prices are going up, but so are electric rates in the Chicago area. Is there actually a cost savings in driving a hybrid? Clearly there is an environmental saving, but the vehicle cost is higher. If the fuel source costs less, we might consider buying one.




  1. hybrid autos require no outside electric power. they recharge themselves. most people find the most benefit if they do lots of city/stop and go type driving.

  2. You're retarded. Get a bicycle.

  3. Yes the hybrid is coupled with the combustion engine so that the battery charges when fuel is combusted.  Quite genius really.

  4. The present generation of hybrids don't plug in at all, so there is no effect on your electric bill. The next generation of hybrids will be full electric cars, using the gas engine just to charge the batteries. Those vehicles will plug in, and use electricity from your home to power most of your driving. Yes, your electric bill will go up - but your gasoline bill will go down a lot further.


    I drive an all-electric car. It gets about 4 miles to the kilowatt-hour. I use a split rate from my electric company, so that when I charge overnight, it costs me just 3 cents per kilowatt-hour. That's less than a PENNY per mile!


    More info on electric cars:

  5. A hybrid car is a gasoline or diesel engine that powers a generator that supplies electricity to an electric motor that powers your car. No plug in to the house needed. It's too bad they are worse for the environment than a regular car... what with all those big nasty batteries and all.

  6. My sister and her husband just bought one and they LOVE it. They get about 75 mpg, which is great for them because our parents live about 2 hours from them, and his parents live about 3 hours from them so they do a lot of driving. You do NOT have to plug them in. The person above has no knowledge what-so-ever on Hybrids. They live in an apartment, so they would not be able to have anything installed anyway.

  7. You don't recharge a hybrid car.  They recharge themselves with a hybridized engine that is self sufficient and economical with gas.

  8. Do you mean an electric car?  Its very expensive and you have to have a special outlet installed in your house.

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