
How much of men's supposed history of brutality to women...?

by  |  earlier

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... is just a feminist lie?

For example, the 'rule of thumb' law regarding wife battery is just another feminist lie:

Why the crazy lies??




  1. women want attention. men are normally the dominate type, so its easier to believe that a man beat a women then vise versa.

  2. Certainly the Rape of Nanking was just a figment of those American missionaries imagination.  NOT!

  3. Why don't you look into the witch trials, burning of women in India, stoning of women in the Middle East, forced prostitution in Moldova, rape as a weapon of war in Darfur, banishment of HIV positive women in Tunisia. Really, is a phrase origin the best you can do?

  4. Try this, be a detective and go undercover living as a woman for a few months, then see who you think the liars are. I know plenty of women who have been brutalized by men and have yet to meet one who is respected by them.

  5. Maybe we should all whip out our photos and post them here to show the punishment we took for simply being women. Maybe my photos are also just a lie.

  6. Strange question in the week the UN declared rape was a common weapon of war and where it is used as such the rapists are war criminals. The universal subjugation of women legitimises Feminism as a sociological perspective. The article in your link is an irrelevance.

    As a graduate in the Social Sciences and Sociology I have never actually come across this rule of thumb phrase in feminist literature.

  7. I didn't realise the "rule of thumb" phrase origin was such a big deal to feminists. In all my life, I've never heard one mention it. I've heard talk of the actual and empirical past and present oppression of women (brutality to women abroad in the current day is well established. Try Dufar, Sudan, Iraq...). Wife battery (within limits) and raping your wife were not considered crimes for a long time in this country, although but the 19/20th century opinions were starting to change.

  8. I don't think the history of men beating women is a lie. I think domestic violence is one of the most common crimes - at least here in the US.

  9. damnit i always used that as a joke with friends. Good old boondock saints the rule of wrist heh.

  10. None of it is a feminist lie. It was known of and done way before there were feminist. It is still going on today.

  11. Considering what I've read recently about rape in the Sudan and in South Africa, your question makes me want to vomit.

    You are zealot who has lost what little credibility and perspective you once had.

  12. One man's opinion webpage is not a reliable source.

  13. I bet if you were a women living in Darfur you wouldn't ask this question... silly, just silly to think that plight of any nature could be viewed as trivial and "debunkable".

  14. Feminism has an agenda which ignores ethics. Feminist lies and exaggerations are just part and parcel of that agenda.

    Feminism is s*x-based and s*x-biased like racism is race-based and race-biased.

    So don't go looking for truth in feminism or racism. You'll just be disappointed.

  15. sadly, none of it is lies, try reading history textbooks, and you'll see how just about every single race in the history of human kind treated women as s*x/breeding objects.

  16. Oh great, another holocaust denier.

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