
How much of oil does USA presently own in Iraq after they invaded Iraq?

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How much of oil does USA presently own in Iraq after they invaded Iraq?




  1. If only life, let alone political life, were that simple.

    Iraq was about oil, but not so directly Iraqi oil.

    Remember that the US had a regime of blockade around Iraq which included stopping them selling as much oil as they wanted.  This kept the US oil plutes rich from high prices.

    The war was because Saddam's grip was looking increasingly shaky with even family members deserting.  Thus, the secular, US supported, Saddam wedge between the Shia populations in Iran, southern Iraq and northern Saudi controlling the great oil-producing centre might fail.

    In this case, the s**+'ite majority in oil-rich south Iraq would probably link up with that in oil-rich Iran and could embolden or assist those in the closest and oil-rich part of Saudi. This would threaten the extremely repressive Islamic extremist US-backed Saudi government - jewel in the US middle east crown and the main source of your oil.

    They would also probably turn to Russia and/or China, which the US can't intimidate, not cooperate with the US international 'protection racket', and send the oil to China instead of the US.

    The world order is currently in the process of moving from US military and economic hegemony toward of China and India.  Bush's prosecution of Iraq and Afghanistan at the same time as major tax cuts for the ruling plutocracy which is already relocating its assets overseas, is accelerating this process.  The relative value of the dollar is declining as the level of US overseas debt mounts.  Iran's threat to abandon $US as the medium of exchange for oil threatened to expose this and is the main reason for the GOP sabre rattling.

  2. that is usa is killing innocents on daily basis to remain powerful in iraq.its aweful that americans are asking such questions.its evil to support iraq war .its a crusade war which bush has started.

  3. The American oil companies have first rights to the oil.

    Oil was the only reason for the war. It had nothing to do with non existent "WMDs", or with "freeing the Iraqi people from a despot". If that is why the war was waged, then why aren't the USA and UN in Burma, Sudan, Zimbabwe??? The reason is that THERE IS NO OIL THERE!!! The "free world" doesn't give a rat's rear end about the oppressed peoples of the world, all that matters is me me me. As long as I don't have to pay more for gas. I don't understand why people can't see this when it is as plain as the nose on their face.

  4. All of it, I would hope.

  5. United States does purchase the lowest amount of Crude Oil from Iraq while the European nations like England, France and Germany are the major purchasers and in the last three years IRAQ has accumulated huge OIL MONEY and keeping more than 150 billion dollars as foreign exchange IN HAND! The United States is NOT AT ALL A BENEFICIARY from Iraqi oil exports while the US has made unbelievable contributions in the development of IRAQ in all of its INFRASTRUCTURE  industries!

    There are websites with complete details of crude oil sales from the OPEC nations for each month with all statistics with the cost etc and we can find the above facts that the USA has not at all a major importer of IRAQ CRUDE OIL!

  6. The United States does not own any oil in Iraq.  You've been listening to too many ignorant liberals.  If we owned oil in Iraq we probably wouldn't be paying $4.50 per gallon for gas.  

    The prices would have dropped if we had suddenly aquired hundreds of millions of barrels of oil.

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