
How much of our tax money is being paid to our enemies?

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Planeloads of cash are being flown to Iraq to pay off the insurgents. Why is this being tolerated?




  1. And your proof of this is??????? and please dont post some link to some tin foil hat wearing jerk who thinks the government is responsible for 911.

  2. Think about this.

    The word - "paid" - implies we are getting something for the money that goes to Iraq.

    How about changing the question to -

    How much of our tax money is being -

    GIVEN -

    to our enemies?

  3. A lot more of our gasoline money goes to our enemies.

    Every dollar that you spend on gas means another 50 cents that OPEC has to finance international terrorism. Suicide bombers don't come cheap. There is the training, the cost of the explosives, not to mention the take home pay and reward for the number of civilians killed.

  4. We have always had foreign aid. However, during this time of challenging times in our economy, I believe we should all question any budgeted item being spend....just like the point that Iraq is using our tax dollars to promote a "no-bid" contract for the rebuilding of its infrastructure...he give the money, and than we are not able to make sure that money is spend in the best and most economical way...I dont have the exact amount, I am sure its more than we spend on Pre-Natal care and Higher Education.

  5. Trust me, we're never going to know.  The only thing you can know for sure is, whatever they admit to is only a fraction of the real number.  

    Sadly, they are not held accountable and don't have to answer to us.

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